Rule Book, Bylaws, USEF Tests and Special Awards

Rule 11.3.I CHJA Stirrup Medals

Rule 11.3.I CHJA Stirrup Medals

CHJA Short Stirrup Medal open to riders 11 and under
CHJA Medium Stirrup Medal open to riders 12-17
CHJA Long Stirrup Medal open to amateur riders 18 and over.

These medals are open to juniors and amateurs who have not shown 2’6” or higher in more than one CHJA or USEF approved show during the current medal qualification period. Exhibitors who subsequently show 2’6” or higher in more than one CHJA or USEF approved show during the current medal qualification period are no longer eligible to ride in this medal and may not accumulate points for this medal. Exhibitors will show over a course of not less than 8 fences. The course must include two changes of direction after the first fence. No in and outs. Two or more USEF Tests 1-8 must be included in the course. Distances will not be adjusted for ponies. Three properly attired competitors must complete the course in order for points to count. The first place rider will receive a CHJA Medal. The class accumulates points toward a special year end award. At year end a perpetual trophy will be presented to the winner.

Any stirrup medal may be combined with any other stirrup medal.